Amanda c.

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Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile


Über Amanda c.

36 Jahre alt | Audiovisual Producer

We are a Latin American couple, Juan (36) and Amanda (30), living in Paris since 2018 in the company of our beloved Gala, a Korat like cat who travelled with us from Chile.
Juan works as a freelance Illustrator and animated films director while Amanda works as producer for TV and cinema.

We travel often because of our work and family life, and we often need someone to take care of Gala, an 8 year's old cat, native from Chile, who's decided to accompany us in our Parisian adventure. She's a rather quiet and shy cat, who enjoys very much taking naps on our laps or forearms when we work on our computers (which means work has to be immediately interrupted as to not disturb "the princess").

We live in a 40mt squared flat between the 18th and the 17th arrondissement of Paris, a residential but rather active neighborhood with an interesting offer of bars and restaurants, as well as Le Hasard Ludique, an ancient train station transformed into a third place, and not far from Montmartre (a 20 min walk). Our place is just outside Porte de Saint-Ouen metro station, on line 13, so connection to the rest of Paris is assured.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Juan, 42 Jahre alt, Illustrator / Visual Artist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marie v.

Massy, France - November 2018

Amanda et Juan sont un couple bien sympathique, ils ont veillé au bien être de ma vieille minette et de la tortue aquatique ainsi que de l'appartement. Je les recommande sans problème! Bonne continuation.

Logement de Amanda c.

Île-de-France, France

1 Katze

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