Peter h.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia


Über Peter h.

Computer consultant

We are a retired, happily married couple from Australia. Both non-smokers.

Fortunate enough to have been able to retire early we have a desire to travel and have been doing so for the past fourteen years. And in the past four and a half years have had this enhanced exponentially by being able to share with other people's pets and care for their properties.

Since starting house sitting in 2010 we have found them all to be everything we dreamed it would be, the places, the people we have met and of course the pets we have shared with! We actively seek to continue this adventure and lifestyle. Even after travelling and housesitting for the past 4 1/2 years our enthusiasm for the task only gets stronger as indicated in a reference from Patsy, a home owner from central France, in late 2014 '....this duo are effervescent, vivacious and extremely enterprising. And they are great fun to be with...'.

We are currently in the French Pyrenees on our fifty fifth (55) house sit, this time for one month with a young energetic mix breed dog named Charlie, Bernie a shy white long hair cat and Lottie a not as quiet black short haired cat.

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Debra, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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