Natalie K.

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Mossman, Queensland, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Natalie K.

49 Jahre alt | Mum (Former Accountant) | Als Familie

We are an British/Australian family (myself, 48yrs old, husband Paul, 50yrs old, two sons Wolf - 9yrs & Rafe -8yrs) who have been fortunate enough to spend the last eight years travelling the world . We work very hard in leaving the homes & properties that we look after immaculate, and any pets that are in our care happy and healthy. We discovered the world of housesitting around 4 years ago and have over 20 five star references that we are more than happy to provide to homeowners looking for assurances that the persons they have picked to care for their home or pets is trustworthy and reliable. As a result of our travelling lifestyle we have become extremely well trained at looking after other people's homes and properties and as most of our stays were arranged online we can also provide over 50+ positive AirBNB reviews. We rely on strangers placing their trust in us so we work very hard to impress. As a result we are a family who has a very much proven record of friendliness, cleanliness, care and consideration. :)

As to specific details about us, Paul and I love travelling & exploring the world, meeting new people and learning about different cultures. We also love investigating the history of areas that we visit (Natalie along with previously being an accountant also has a degree in Education and majored in History). We love being able to spend so much time with our children in their formative years and instilling in them a wonder for the world, history, nature & meeting new people. Our sons, Wolf and Rafe are both very well-travelled as we started travelling when Rafe was just 4 months old & Wolf was 19months and haven't stopped!

What all of this travel experience means with regards to housesitting though is that you can be comfortable that not only are we vigilant parents (we've been very well trained always living in new places & with two little ones to watch) but that the boys also know how to respect other people's properties, be safe, and to be kind to animals. They absolutely adore the pets we do get to look after through housesitting and they fortunately are always eager for new adventures in new locations. They are both homeschooled although when we have had the opportunity they have attended 'real' school in Wales and Australia,.

Last but not least as for our experience, we have house, property, pet & farm animal sat in Ireland, England, Wales, France, Spain and Australia and the animals we have looked after so far are cats, dogs, cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits, donkeys, goats, ducks & fish! We have undertaken these sitting experiences in both rural and urban settings. We have looked after manor houses, farm houses, and urban apartments.

Naturally we also have had our own pets in the past (dogs, cats, birds, fish, rabbits, and I even had some pet piglets and turtles as a child) but as well as this, my mother owns a small cattle farm (approx 80-100 head) that also has had horses, pigs, chickens and goats at different times and we have spent a lot of time there helping her with general farming chores. As a result, we are also comfortable in farming environments, & although we make no claims to being expert farmers, we do make good farm-hands!

At every place we stay (whether it is AirBNB or a housesit) we always make a point of leaving the home as clean as, or if possible, cleaner than we found it, and this has now become habit. We really hope you will consider us when trying to select an appropriate housesitter for your home, we are relaxed, adaptable & flexible and at the same time will be extremely conscientious with the care of your home and pets, and we have lots of experience and references to accompany them.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Paul, 51 Jahre alt, Dad, Ehepartner / Partner
Wolf, Adventurer, Kind
Rafe, Explorer, Kind

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