Bart m.

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Mechelen, Flanders, Belgium


Über Bart m.

35 Jahre alt | Government

Hi there! We're Bart & Steffi!

We are an animal-loving couple from Belgium, who loves to travel.
This community speaks to us because we're the proud humans of Dobby & Lupin (the italian and irish greyhound). Whenever we are travelling, we have the luxury of an amazing family who takes care (spoils) of our hairy children.
So we know it's very reassuring to know that your pets back home are taken care of with the utmost care.
Through this community we hope to help you discover the world, while we do the same. :)

Other fun facts:
- If you didn't notice yet... we are HUGE Harry Potter fans (Dobby & Lupin were a hint...)
- We both work for the Belgian government
- We have a big garden so we know what gardening means :)
- Lupin is a rescue dog from the Irish race tracks

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Steffi, 32 Jahre alt, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Aurélie d.

London, United Kingdom - August 2018

Bart and Steffi were great house-sitters, nice, friendly and tidy, and they also took really good care of our cart Arya, sending us daily updates and giving her plenty of love. 100%% recommended!

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