Petra d.

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Prostějov, Olomouc Region, Czech Republic


Über Petra d.

37 Jahre alt | yoga teacher, masseuse, therapist

My name is Petra, Im non smoker, open-minded, vegan, nature and animal lover from Czech republic who decided to travel and explore the world.
I sometimes travel and house sit within Europe with my great dane Broderick, but this is only if owners dont mind or want..
I´m very tidy, experienced in house maintaining, gardening, security and used to work at positions with big responsibilities.
I love sport, adventure and challenges and I´m very well traveled with a good knowledge of the world.

I have been house sitting in Costa Rica for a year and also in Belize for a month. Took care of different houses (from a beach vila, little organic farm to mountain cottage), many dogs, cats, poultry and disabled person.
I work as a masseuse and yoga teacher, I´m Ex real estate agent and Ex Czech Military with 2 tours of Afghanistan under my belt .. have many experiences wit dogs. From old and sick to agressive, abused, untrained, anxious, rescued. Since I have and love great danes, I can handle any size of dog. I also took care of guinea pigs, poultry, cats, hamsters, rabbits.

I´m NOT a party person and prefer remote quiet places, nature, watching animals, spend the time doing yoga, some workout, traveling around.
The safety and good care of animals are on the first place. Some little gardening is not an issue for me and responsibilities such as taking care of Air bnb etc can be discussed.

Im registered on more house sitting websites where I have most of the references.
Skype and FB available.

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Cheryl m.

Cristo Rey, Belize - September 2016

Petra & Stu were the BEST! I wish I could choose more badges - they were Eco-Friendly, Great DIYers (built a feeding stand for our large dog), interested in the local culture, were very independent, enjoyed staying right on the property and so much more! They arrived a couple of days early to learn about the habits of our 3 dogs - and our fur-babies took to them immediately! They were respectful of their routines and accommodated their needs. There were a few storms, and when that happens the smallest one needs a little extra comforting - which they delayed bed-time to make sure he was okay. Then sent us photos of all three of our dogs at least every other day - which was so great to see! They kept everything neat & clean, including the vehicles! I can't say enough about Petra & Stu. If we ever need housesitters again, they will be our first call! But, they love to explore new lands and cultures - so we don't know if they'll be back this way (Belize) anytime soon. We definitely recommend them as housesitters!

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