Robin w.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Ilminster, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Robin w.

73 Jahre alt | Corporate Trainer

We are both in our 60s, semi-retired, no children, no pets of our own, non-smokers, and we have our own car. Although we are originally from the US, we now live in the UK. We are fit and active, and enjoy walking and swimming to keep fit.
I (Robin) work part-time as a corporate trainer, running online webinars for my clients on the topic on computer network integration. I am also a professional magician and an amateur chef. I enjoy exploring local farmers markets, learning about regional cuisine.
My wife (Vicky Jo) works part-time as a university professor, running online webinar-based psychology classes for Masters-level students. She is also a life coach and guided imagery practitioner, providing services to her clients via telephone or online communications. She has a book contract with Routledge and works on that in between running her classes. She is also an actor and scriptwriter.
We both have an interest in mythology and historical architecture, including paleolithic artifacts, Roman constructs, castles, and places of worship. We are both trained and experienced in several models of psychological typology, including the MBTI. We sometimes run team-building and leadership workshops for corporations.
We are both introverts and spend most of our time at home, content with each others' company -- no loud and messy parties in our lives! All we need is reliable internet access to do our work and keep in touch with our friends and family.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Vicky Jo, 67 Jahre alt, University Professor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sabrina R.

Lohr am Main, Germany - November 2024

Everything worked out wonderfully and we can highly recommend Robin and Vicky Jo to anyone. They are very experienced house sitters. We met on the day of our departure to hand over the house and our two cats and explained everything. They are both very nice people and the handling of the cats was wonderful. During the holiday we received almost daily messages with pictures of our cats so we could really relax and enjoy the holiday without any worries. Robin and Vicky Jo also kept the flat tidy and took good care of everything. Our cats were very relaxed when we returned and we even got to enjoy Robin's fantastic cooking. Thank you so much! We would be very happy to welcome you again for house and cat sitting.

Felipe Emmanuel

Frankfurt, Germany - November 2024

It was wonderful having Robin and Vicky Jo, very easy-going people, and very easy to get along with. They took care of our fur babies and always kept us posted on what’s happening. Cats are great in sensing energies and immediately became friends with the two on the first meeting. Normally it takes them a day or two to get comfortable with their cat sitters but it was a snap with vicky jo and robin. They kept our place in good shape when we arrived. Highly recommend hosting them

Florian O.

Mirande, France - März 2024

Robin et sa compagne m'ont bien dépanné un peu en dernière minute et pour un long séjour. J'ai apprécié leur autonomie dans un moment de ma vie pendant lequel j'avais besoin de ne pas penser à la logistique de ma maison. Je les recommande!

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