Natalia and mario

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Natalia and mario

34 Jahre alt | Marketing

Hi there!

We are a friendly, reliable and neat couple from Montreal. We both work remotely. I work in marketing and Mario works as a System Administrator. I grew up with dogs, hamsters, turtles, fish, a rabbit and a guinea pig, while Mario has always been a die-hard cat kind of guy. We currently have two cats, Anastasia and Brandon. We’ve both travelled extensively in Europe and North America and love discovering what the world has to offer. This year we have set out to travel the world and hang out with cute animals (win-win!). Apart from traveling and spending time with animals we enjoy discovering new foods and wines. We also like hiking and cycling.

We are respectful of others’ property and will take excellent care of your beloved pets.

If you would like to learn more about our work history you can check out our LinkedIn accounts

Or would like to hear what other people had to say about us, check out our Airbnb

We look forward to taking care of your pets while you travel without worry!

Natalia and Mario

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Mario, 39 Jahre alt, Systems administrator, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Mai 2019

Mario et Nathalia ont été parfaits, nous avons eu des nouvelles de nos animaux pendant notre absence, a notre retour la maison était propre, le jardin en parfait état. On peut faire une totale confiance à nos deux jeunes "cousins' d' outre Atlantique.

Sabine t.

Riga, Latvia - Mai 2019

Natalia and Mario were perfect cat and house sitters, easy communication and open minded persons. We had interesting chats. We left the house in trustful hands and it was a pleasure to find the house clean on our way back. Thanks you both and see you again !

Kairee a.

SF, United States - Januar 2019

Natalia and Mario were excellent pet and house sitters! They were very responsive throughout the whole process and listened/followed all the instructions we left. Our cat unexpectedly needed to be given some medication and they took care of it without any problems or hesitation. While we were away, they sent us pictures and updates. When we returned, the house was spotless and was well taken care of and our cat was happy and content. I highly recommend having Natalia and Mario take care of your home and pets while you are away! It can be tough leaving things to people you don't know, but by the end of our trip we felt as though they were good friends and would not hesitate to ask them again.

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