Kayla & leiven h.

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Mendocino, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Kayla & leiven h.

38 Jahre alt | architect & yoga teacher | Allein

recently moved back to the U.S. after some decades in Taiwan. We bought land on the coast in Northern California and will be traveling around North America for the year or two it takes to go through all the permitting processes before we can start building our home on our land. Meanwhile, we are enjoying our time being 'home-free', visiting friends and family and honing our gardening, permaculture and animal care skills working at farms all over. We are extremely neat and quiet people, mostly keen on living simply and in integrity. We love making easy, healthy foods at home and meditating and doing yoga. Reading a book in the garden and soaking in the tub are favorites of ours as well. We both love animals, especially me (Kayla), which is why I've been a vegetarian animal-rescuer since I was 11. I've taken in and cared for many strays including dogs, cats and injured birds. Our time working on farms this year prepares us more to take care of all of your plant and animal-sitting needs. Plus, Leiven's passion as an architect and interior designer invite a deep respect for home and spaces, so you can rest assured your home, in all details is being loved, cared for, and appreciated.

We travel by car with our belongings and thus are quite flexible in where we go. At the moment, we are in Quebec, Canada, just having come from B.C and Ontario. So far this year, we've driven from California to Florida and then up to Canada. We will soon be headed back down South to visit and farm in New York and Virginia. We will be in California by end of January for a retreat. From about mid-November to mid-January we are free and then we are (for now) free from February onward.
We are interested in longer term house-sitting, rather than short weekends, as we'll most likely be traveling to you to housesit.

As we have also been on the side of entrusting our home in Taiwan to others' care, we know what it feels like and what kind of respect we appreciate our home to be treated with. Trust that your home, flora and fauna will be loved well in your travels with us as their stewards.

We are willing to provide references at request.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Claudia P.

London, United Kingdom - Februar 2019

Kayla and Leiven left my house in good shape and my cat very happy. They kept in touch and handled a couple issues that came up with speed and good humor. They seem to be a happy and free-spirited couple who would be a good match for equally free-spirited homeowners.

Linda r.

Oakland, United States - Dezember 2018

Kayla and Leiven were great cat and house sitters. They made sure to let us know how to contact them even as they were driving cross-country to get to California. After a month away, we were delighted to come home to two healthy and happy cats and a very clean home. We'd happily ask them to stay again.

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