Tracey l.

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Burlington, Ontario, Canada


Über Tracey l.

35 Jahre alt | Structural engineer turned chef

Hi! I'm Tracey. I'm 29 years old and am currently traveling through Europe with my partner Mac (28 years old). We met in University and have been together since 2011.

We spent 2015 travelling through Central & South America, leading to a week of living with a work-holiday visa in New Zealand for the year 2016.

Most of 2017 was back working hard in Canada and reconnecting with friends and family. Now we're back travelling again - in Europe on an open-ended backpacking trip (started May 2018). We do a mixture of accommodations and have used many platforms of exchange.

Please contact us for details of our exchange profiles, complete with references on Workaway and CouchSurfing.

We've been missing our cat, Lucy, who is now living with my parents. We also look forward to getting our first dog when we return to Canada 2019. Housesitting pets while abroad will help us share the love!

Ultimately, we are reliable, responsible professionals with a passion for slow-paced exploration of new places. We are quiet and affectionate with animals. Contact for references/referees available upon request.

Thank you!
Tracey & Mac

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Maclean, 34 Jahre alt, Outdoor Recreationalist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jonathan p.

Benalmádena, Spain - Januar 2019

I highly recommend these guys. They are polite, clean, and very friendly! They took care of our kitten and house as if they were their own. I can’t thank or recommend them enough!!! Thanks again!!!

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