Joona j.

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Jyväskylä, Finland


Über Joona j.

24 Jahre alt | Student & sound technician

I'm Joona, a student who will soon be a social sciences teacher. I'm on interrail in October 2018, and looking for accomodation during said month. I've lived in a countryside home for 18 years, so I'm used to taking care of garden and all kinds of plants. Currently I'm living by myself in central Jyväskylä, so city life is beginning to be familiar as well. My brother owns cats, a dog and bunnies, and I'm used to taking care of his animals. I'm hoping to get to know new cultures, people, places and pets, as well as to helping all of you travel with a weight off your chest!

I understand that my young age might be a red flag; 'can such a young person take care of my house, or can I trust him to stay with my animals?' Still, as a person who pays his own bills, works beside studying and does a ton of laundry every week, I believe I can show you I'm as qualified as most older adults are - while still keeping my youthful humour and charm!

I look forward to being of aid to you, and to seeing what life is like in normal homes across the globe :)

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Sonia b.

Alicante, Spain - Oktober 2018

Joona J. stayed in our house for 4 nights in October 2018. He is a young Finnish man, extremely responsible and friendly, polite and well educated. It was very easy to communicate with Joona before and during his stay, he paid close attention to my (many!) instructions, and followed every detail carefully. We had the chance to meet Joona when we came back, which was a pleasure. He'd even made cookies to welcome us :-) Overall, a perfect house-sitter. We felt very comfortable leaving our house and pets on Joona's hands. Highly recommended!

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