Maria t.

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BG, Serbia


Über Maria t.

38 Jahre alt | SAP Business Consultant

We are a couple that loves to travel whenever we have the opportunity and can take a break from our work.
While I was living in Germany, I hosted a wonderful young girl, who took care of my cat during Christmas period. And now, living in Serbia, we are looking forward to host a young couple to take care of our two cats while we'll be traveling to Greece and Jordan,
We would love to be given the opportunity to be hosted this time, and to be given the chance to take care of someone else's pet, let it be cat, dog or birds.
Of course, every time we plan a trip for us, our home is open to guests that would like to come and stay at our place with Leo and Mini, our adorable cats.
We've very frequently used shared-economy platforms (both as hosts and as guests), and we're always looking for people who share the same values as us while traveling/staying at our place: looking forward to meet new places and cultures, respect predefined agreements and treat the place the same way we want others to treat ours.

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Slobodan, Game Designer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Abby p.

London, United Kingdom - September 2022

It was an absolute pleasure cat-sitting for Maria and looking after Leo. Maria is very communicative, super helpful and obviously adores cats. Leo is a very affectionate and easy to look after cat, and the apartment is in a nice suburb of Belgrade with everything you need nearby and easy transport links to the centre of the city. Thanks for everything Maria!

Sandy S.

Morges, Switzerland - Februar 2022

Merci encore à Maria de m’avoir donné l’opportunité de garder Leo pendant son absence ! Maria est super amicale et bienveillante, et Leo est un amour de chat, tout a été très facile pendant ces 3 semaines. Et Belgrade est une ville à visiter absolument :)

Anh v.

Dalat, Viet Nam - Februar 2022

Maria is a very attentive person. She tried to help me as much as possible before I arrived. She gave me information, directions, and prepare the house so that I feel the most comfortable. The place is tidy and all the things Leo (the cat) need has been prepared. Leo is a super cute cat. He loves being petted and being around people. I enjoy the time staying in Belgrade a lot also with different cultures and friendly people. Thank you Maria again for everything.

Daniella p.

Vancouver, Canada - Januar 2019

I loved staying at Maria's apartment with her sweet cat Leo! She was extremely kind and fun to talk to, super easy going and I am really glad I met her! You can tell how much she loves her kitty and its really sweet! She always made sure I had everything I needed and that I was comfortable staying at her place, which I appreciated.

Logement de Maria t.

, Serbia

1 Katze

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