Keely m.

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Los Angeles, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Keely m.

40 Jahre alt | Artist (former attorney) | Allein

About me:

Hello! I am Keely. I’m originally from the US, but have lived in Europe and have traveled extensively around the world throughout my life. I was previously living in Mexico, but now I’m back in Europe (currently Portugal) for the next year or more. Before Portugal, I was traveling full-time with my small dog, Stanley (more about him below) while working remotely. At the moment I'm interested in and available for house-sits in Portugal and Spain. I love to travel, immerse myself in the experience, and make new international friends along the way. I have a deep appreciation, understanding, and respect for different cultures.

I am a former lawyer, now exploring my passion for the art. I have a generally active and creative lifestyle with a daily meditation practice. I also love hiking and long walks, cooking, writing, camping, road trips, parks, learning to play guitar, ceramics, art, learning languages, plants and animals. In general, I'm a pretty quiet person and prefer the simple things in life.

I have a lot of experience caring for animals. Not only am I currently pet owner myself (I’ve had my sweet dog for the past 12 years) who has also had many pets throughout my life, including dogs, cats, bunnies, fish, birds, and reptiles, but I’ve also done a lot of traveling as a house-sitter (see my reviews). Additionally, I had a pet sitting business back in the US as well, mainly taking care of dogs (boarding, walking, and drop-ins) but also many cats, for which I can provide many positive reviews from happy clients.

I also have experience taking care of plants and gardens — I love being in the garden and it’s always a huge bonus for me. I will happily take care of your plants.

As I mentioned above, I do have a dog: I'm traveling with my wonderful, adorable, small (7kgs), 13-year-old dog, Stanley. And I’m looking for house-sitting opportunities where he would also be welcome. He's a very sweet, friendly, easy-going chihuahua/poodle mix who gets along with other dogs -- due to my pet-sitting business mentioned above, he's accustomed to living harmoniously with other dogs and is familiar with but indifferent towards cats. He doesn’t disrupt other small animals. Stanley is smart, well-trained, neutered, and clean, with soft hair-like poodle fur that doesn't shed or smell, and he is on a flea/tick/parasite preventative regimen. I have been his responsible guardian and friend for all 13 years of his life.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Armelle l.

Geneva, Switzerland - August 2019

Keely et sa maman sont restées 1 mois chez nous à Genève pendant que nous étions au Costa Rica. Elles se sont très bien occupées de nos animaux (chat & lapins) ainsi que des nombreuses plantes que nous possédons. Elles ont respecté nos demandes et consignes et ont pris bien soin de notre appartement. Il n’y a eu aucun problème avec elles et nous avons retrouvé notre maison bien rangée. La communication a toujours été facile et agréable. Ce sont deux personnes respectueuses, aimables et qui ont l’habitude de voyager à l’étranger et de s’occuper d’une maison avec tout ce que cela implique. Nous ne pouvons que les recommander à d’autres.

Sandrine b.

Paris, France - August 2019

Keely est très agréable, elle s'est parfaitement occupée de mon chat et des poissons, et elle a laissé l'appartement impeccable !

Alicia r.

Alicante, Spain - Juli 2019

Keely and her mum took great care of my cat Jerry and the apartment. They were very autonomous and careful to leave everything clean before they left. I would be glad to welcome you any other time! Thanks!

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