Nathaniel m.

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Savannah, Georgia, United States


Über Nathaniel m.

29 Jahre alt | Self-Employed/Writer

We are a young couple, both 24, though we act more like retirees. We spend most of our time cuddling the animals around us, taking walks, and enjoying cafes. Darcy is an artist and Nathaniel is a writer, so we both work from home. We are vegetarians and try our best to be friendly to the environment in every way. We have recently been living and petsitting in Italy, Scotland, and the USA. We both love animals and plants so pet care and gardening are our forte. Nathaniel has recently obtained Italian citizenship and we would like to one day make Europe our home.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Darcy, 29 Jahre alt, Self-Employed, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Allan r.

Caen, France - Juni 2019

Good experience ! There were respectful, nice and friendly. We met one day before leaving and first impression was very good. They send us photo and movie we when we asked for it. When we returned from vacation our cat mimi seems happy and like we just left for a weekend (when it was 3 weeks...) --> and that is exceptional when you know her ^^ We know our cat and we can say they know how to do with cats. Keep it up guys !!! Again --> GOOD EXPERIENCE

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