Rubina d.

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Cork, County Cork, Ireland


Über Rubina d.

44 Jahre alt | Therapist


I'm a 40 year old health conscious and energetic woman. I've been travelling for the past few years and now I'm back in Ireland and happy to explore my own back garden.
Over the years I have taken care of many cats and dogs, homes and gardens in Spain, France Switzerland and Portugal and last year in Ireland . The new experiences are enjoyable and the changes of scenery give inspiration.
I look forward to meeting you, and taking great care of your home and pets.

All the best

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Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Februar 2020

Empfiehlt nicht

Sacha P.

Barcelona, Spain - August 2019

Rubina took care of our house and 2 cats during 4 weeks. The cats were well taken care of, we found the house clean and tidy and Rubina was always helpful when we needed her to look for something for us in the house. She regularly sent us pictures and was very independent. I hope we'll have the luck to have her take care of our house and pets again

Sandrina v.

Barie, France - Juni 2019

Ruby est une grande sportive qui est arrivée jusqu'à chez nous en vélo depuis son pays d'origine l'Irlande. ! Nous lui avons confié notre maison et notre petit chiot pendant une semaine et tout s'est bien passé. Ruby est calme, agréable et charmante.

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