Caroline s.

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Leer, Lower Saxony, Germany


Über Caroline s.

40 Jahre alt | Cultural management

Hello there :-)

This is Caro and Nick and Jupiter!
We love cooking, hosting and traveling, hiking, spending time on the coast and listening to audiobooks in the car, and enjoying life with Jupiter, our adorable and energetic, adventurous 3-year-old Hungarian Vizsla boy.

We met in 2010 during our graduate school years in the US, have lived in San Francisco, Boston, the western German city of Trier, Berlin and Cork in Ireland, got married in Denmark in the summer of 2014. We have an extensive guest book of visitors we have hosted, from friends and family to couch-surfers, workaway travelers and nomadors to see after Jupiter, our plants and house.

It’s been a wild ride and we have enjoyed meeting every person who has set foot through our threshold. We are very creative people and share a love of food, people, animals, art and travel while at the same time have committed ourselves to confronting and engaging in work against society’s worst tendencies.

Currently, we live in the idyllic town called Leer in Northwestern Germany in the region of East Frisia. Our house has 2 bedrooms, an office, a living room, dining room, two bathrooms and a very well-stocked kitchen.
Caro finished her PhD in English and Film Studies and works at University College Cork (remote), and Nick is self-employed an editor and practices art in many forms.

Nearby cities of Oldenburg (35mins), Bremen (60mins) or Groningen (60mins) as well as many cute little Frisian towns all over the place have boutique shopping, beaches, grocery stores, and more amenities and coastal access to the North Sea.

We have reliable Wifi access and plenty of space to work if you work remotely. You can also access our Netflix and other services! We have some musical instruments for use and books to read, so if you are looking for a relaxing time-out from the business of life, this house is the place to come get comfortable, reconnect with nature and relax!

We will be traveling to a wedding abroad and taking a few business trips in the coming months and need someone who loves and is excellent with dogs. You should enjoy doing a few daily dog training exercises, but also want to put your feet up and enjoy a cuddling with Jupiter, and prepare meals in a well-stocked kitchen.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nick, 39 Jahre alt, Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Isabelle g.

Tessy-Bocage, France - Januar 2019

La maison de Caroline est spacieuse et très confortable. Les 4 poules dont nous avions à nous occuper apportent une touche de fantaisie dans ce magnifique paysage qu'est la campagne irlandaise. Nous avons eu un très bon contact avec Caroline et je recommande vivement cette maison. Isabelle

Logement de Caroline s.

Lower Saxony, Germany

1 Hund

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 3 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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