Carlos a.

Dieser Benutzer wurde von Nomador als eines der engagiertesten und erfahrensten Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft anerkannt.

Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Über Carlos a.


We are a young Brazilian couple traveling around the world taking care of people's homes and pets. Since we got married, we managed our own house, which we left behind to cross the planet. We are non-smokers, tidy and clean, so we'll keep your home the same way we used to keep ours.

We are both photographers and spend most of our time at home, editing our photos, what makes us able to give more attention to all animals we care.

We have also a travel blog, which is the first and biggest one about house sitting written in Portuguese. This year we have even published an ebook about house sitting based on our previous experiences. Our Ebook is supported by Nomador and we were recently nominated Nomador's Ambassadors!

We already travelled through lots of countries in the Americas and discovered house sitting during our yearlong stay in New Zealand. It's been an unforgettable experience, as it has joined all together everything we love: travelling, animals and meeting local people!

House sitting makes us travel to places we'd never thought before and it's a great way to get closer to the way locals live. It makes us travel with more tranquility and know different regions better than if travelling the regular way.

We've spent our whole life around cats and dogs and we couldn't simply spend long periods without having a pet to take care!

We have already traveled for a year throughout New Zealand and Australia, moving between twelve different house sitting agreements.

We are currently travelling Southeast Asia and also house sitting in some places (Laos and Singapore).
In January we have already an agreement to house sit in Lisbon, Portugal, from where we plan to start our European journey for some months.
Our current plan is to be able continue this lifestyle as long as we can going to other parts of the world in a near future as well.

The more we house sit, the more we want to keep doing it! We get so close to the animals that it’s hard to say goodbye after all the time we spent together. Very often the house owner asks us to take care of their pets/homes again, as we keep in touch, sharing stories and photos. In our list you can find dogs, cats, some farm animals and fishes, all of them very well treated and loved equally by ourselves!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Larissa, Photographer, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Veronique p.

United Kingdom - April 2016

Jeune couple sympatique et avenant. Ils étaient ravis de s'occuper de mes 4 chats persans qui étaient épanouis et bien brossés à mon retour.

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