Don m.
Victor Harbor, South Australia, Australia
Über Don m.
77 Jahre alt
Chartered Accountant
We are now retired. I was a Chartered Accountant & Tax agent here in Australia. I am also a registered auditor & I am continuing to do this work for the time being. My partner was a high school headmistress until her retirement. I ran an 8Ha vineyard for 30 years as a hobby . I enjoy both cats & dogs (but I prefer dogs of the 2). The size & age of dogs is not an issue for us. My partner has a keen interest in all things French particularly art & food . Me -I like good food & wine -but not neccessarliy in that order. We both believe you are never too old to learn or enjoy new things.
This is my first time house sitting, where as Isabel has done several times both in France & Australia. We are looking in the June - Sept period as we want to ensure our own garden will servive during our absence. We are flexiable with that period should the opprtunity arise.
Meine Reisebegleiter
Isabel, 85 Jahre alt, Headmistress, Ehepartner / Partner
Gesprochene Sprache(n)
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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft
Veyrac, France - Juni 2019
Isabel et Donald, un couple vraiment agréable et généreux et cultivé. Nous leur avons confié la garde de notre maison durant une semaine. Dès leur arrivée nous avons su que tout se passerai bien. Ils ont gérés avec les voisins lors d'un gros coup de vent, car notre serre de jardin commençait a bouger. Ils ont profités de la gastronomie de la région, visites etc... A notre retour , un bon barbecue nous attendait. Un grand merci a Isabel et Donald. Nous leurs souhaitons un agréable séjour en France. Muriel etOlivier