Lavae a.

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Sámara, Provincia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica


Über Lavae a.

68 Jahre alt | Retired architect, fused glass artist

When I retired after practicing architecture (see in the US for 28 years, I moved to a small tourist village in Costa Rica. I’ve been living here full time for 13 years, for 10 of which I operated a small vacation rental business. At that time, I also began fusing glass art (see After selling the rental business, I am now ready for travel and a new adventure.

I am 63 years old, in good health and reasonably fit. I have always been a “cat person” and always had a precious pet until I met my husband who was allergic. Then I switched my allegiance to dogs and found that I adore them. I understand that each and every one is the best dog ever!

Through both of my previous careers and because I grew up on a sheep farm in rural Oregon, I am handy around the house and yard. I can fix a few things and I know when to call in an expert. I have travelled before in Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Spain, Italy, France, and Central Europe, as well as many parts of the US and Canada. I speak English (native tongue), French, and Spanish.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marylene j.

Les Clayes-sous-Bois, France - Juni 2019

Lavae a été une excellente home-sitter, qui s'est parfaitement occupé de la maison et de nos animaux, et nous a fait profité de ses talents de cuisinière. Les échanges ont été faciles et nous avons pu partir serein grâce à sa présence à la maison.

Logement de Lavae a.

Provincia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica

1 Hund

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