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Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Maria

44 Jahre alt | translator, writer and marketing consultant (often freelance) - but on the road now ;-)

I`m taking a creative time out (will work on creative projects in the first place; home-based) and thought, I would best do that while travelling and house-sitting. Mostly, because it`s important to me to have a quiet surrounding, but also because I can travel meanwhile and have some breaks in new cities (usually I`d go for around a month sitting periods., because I would want to get a little of a "home feeling" at least).
I adore animals and have sitted them (pure homes, animals - or each or both) on many occations. Cats are just the most wonderful beings in the world to me. Usually it`s mutual, too ;-).
Dogs are sweet to have around, also because walking them gives me some routine during the day and keeps me going (so it`s a win-win, really). I`m still proud I tought a friend`s one some swimming last summer...(I`m used to all sizes and colours of them, though).

I`m usually a private person, friendly with others and sociable, but thankful for my quiet and peace. Other than that I`m uncomplicated, don`t smoke, do a little sports, if I can, and stick to the overall rules of hospitality and normal tidiness.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Loise B.

Paris, France - August 2020

Nous sommes ravis de cet échange. Maria s'est très bien occupé de notre chat et de nos plantes durant notre absence. Spontanément, elle nous a donné des nouvelles régulières et envoyé des photos afin de nous rassurer. Nous avons retrouvé un appartement impeccable et un chat heureux.

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