David s.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Über David s.

Retired Writer

We are an educated and down to earth retired couple who have been married for 16 years and live in a condominium in downtown Toronto. In the summer of 2015 we sold our beautiful year round vacation home, and are now free and looking forward to exploring more of the world. We've completed one five month house sit ( December 2015 to April 2016) and more recently a one month sit in September of this year. These were amazing experiences for us and we are looking for an opportunity to do it again in 2017. I'm youthful and energetic with a fitness level of someone at least 20 years younger. My career has been non-linear, to say the least: In the earlier years I worked at a variety of things including the civil service, teacher, guidance counsellor and human resources specialist. In the second phase of my work life, I wrote fiction for adolescents and did a variety of contract work flowing from my very modest success as a writer. My fiction has been translated into Spanish, Polish and Mandarin. In more recent years, I've concentrated on building and maintaining our recently sold vacation home on a spectacular lake in Canada's wilderness. I'm reasonably fluent in French and am able to carry on a conversation on almost any topic, although my French is far from polished.......

Richard has recently wound down a busy, high pressure career of 30 years as a top legal librarian in Canada's premier law firms, a career which he has enjoyed immensely. Now retired, he's looking forward to new adventure and experience as well....

Why we want to house sit

Both of us are free from the obligations that have prevented us from travelling as much as we might have liked in the past two decades. Our experience of living in another country during our first house sit in France was, for us, amazing. The different landscape, different rhythms of life, different food, and, well, different everything was exactly what we are looking for and we would love to have the opportunity to do it again. Our second house sit in France was equally wonderful, but in a somewhat different way as we were more familiar with the way of life and the surroundings the second time around.

What we bring to the opportunity

We don't own pets at the moment as they are not allowed in the condominium building where we own our apartment. We have, however, both had and enjoyed all sorts of pets throughout our lives ---dogs and cats our favourites--- and enjoy sitting them for our friends whenever the opp

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Richard, Retired Legal Librarian, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marilys s.

Québec City, Canada - März 2023

David was awesome! Belle had a great time taking long walks with him. My condo was spotless. Even if we only had a few minutes to meet and chat everything went smoothly. Very thankfull for his stay at my condo.

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