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Brighton, England, United Kingdom


Über Alan

69 Jahre alt | Carpenter, Reiki master, hypnotherapist,

I am a fit and healthy, non racist non sexist, open minded and enthusiastic 64 years young man. I have been travelling the world since May 2015 with my partner, Anna. She has other commitments in South America for a time, and I'm 'flying solo'.
I've been a teacher, a trainer, a carpenter, a hypnotherapist, a chef, a writer, and this world still wakes me up with a jolt of excitement every day.
Now I write, make music, and travel. And try to be kind.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Stacey f.

Sintra, Portugal - November 2019

Alan is a very quiet and kind person. We were away for 1 month and our cat was lovingly looked after and more... Being an old cat, 16 years with arthritis in his back legs. Alan gave him reiki treatment daily which improved his mobility and comfort immensely, Puzzles actually looked younger upon return, coat shiny and with a new zest for life! Thank you Alan for taking care of Puzzles and our home.

Paul j.

Maçãs de Dona Maria, Portugal - April 2019

Alan is family. What else to say..? He is kind and gentle and listens well.. He is fun and engaged and helpful. Happy in his own space, happy in company and easy to talk to.. He is clean and enjoys cooking and baking and keen to help us also with our house renovation works too.. He is also a very talented musician, a healer and a thinker.. what's not to like.. ;9)

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