Kane s.

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Über Kane s.

40 Jahre alt | Business Owner

We are Kane and Kendall, hard-working business-owners in our mid-30s. We've been married for 11 years, and traveling and exploring new places is our favorite thing to do! Our interior design business allows us to work remotely throughout the year, which we love to take advantage of! We are also responsible homeowners, previous pet owners as well as owners of a short-term rental property which we personally manage. Because of these properties, we are pros at caring for homes! We are not partiers or heavy drinkers, and keep our living spaces clean and tidy.

We would love to house sit, because it's a vehicle for us to see more of the world (and to see it in larger blocks of time) than we would be able to do otherwise. We are excited to be able to explore a new place in depth, and really get to know the area where we are house sitting!

We are responsible, reliable, aware individuals who understand the process of taking care of a home. We have taken care of our own homes, as well as managed our short-term rental property. We work remotely, so we will spend large amounts of time working at the home we are house sitting, ensuring that it is properly monitored. We are also physically capable of taking on the necessary tasks that may be required!

PETS: We love animals. I enjoyed 14 years with a long haired dachshund named lady. We also owned a dove the we found on the side of the road that had injured her wing. We named her Niki and she was with us for 7 years. While our travel schedule doesn't permit us to own animals now we're glad to take of your pets with the same care you give them.

Below are websites/Instagram for our businesses so you can get to know us a bit more.



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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kendall, 39 Jahre alt, Interior Design Firm Owner, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Annie G.

Bulle, Switzerland - Mai 2019

It was a great pleasure to meet Kendall and Kane. They are very nice, enthusiastic to know news countries. persons. We spent a good time together talking about travelling, music and so. They taked care about my cats, my plants very well. I recommed them. I hope I ll come to Nashville to meet them again. Ce fut un grand plaiair de rencontrer Kendall et Kane. C est un couple sympathique et enthousiaste qui apprecie de decouvrir de nouvelles regions et de nouvelles personnes. Nous avons passé de bons moments à discuter voyages , musique et autres. Ils se sont bien occupes de mes chats et de mes plantes. Je les recommande. J espere aller a Nashville un jour pour les revoir.

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