Patrick A.

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Sainte-Luce, Le Marin, Martinique

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Patrick A.

55 Jahre alt | Creative producer | Allein

I'm a creative producer in the film and event industries. I used to be a head of communications for a respected filmmaker and before an artist manager. I'm embarking on a journey where I meet people and travel a lot, while I work remotely. I try to work a little bit more for myself trying to start the writing of long time screenplay my friend and colleague encourage me to do seriously for some time!

I love animals. Since I was a teen, we had cats. The first was a sacred Burmese. She as a diva. Then Appolon. Then I had my own cat that I called Mondial because he as born during France World Soccer Cup (mondial in French( Then my little sister betrayed is when she got a dog. It took me some years to admit that I could handle and love dogs (you known how stupid can human be?!). But I did! I first learned about their behavior when I worked with a politician in Paris who used to be a vet. He created an animal fair and I helped him. Then my little sister came back to Paris from Martinique with her dog. She is a nurse and arrived a year before the covid. So during that so difficult period I really had to help her, so I was taking care of her dog and to spare money when she had to go back to Martinique for a couple of weeks I took care of her dog too. Now, let's say for the last 4 years, I have been a dog guy. They are funny! I can handle them if there want to do what they want.

Some friend told me, I should do house/pet sitting. Never really have the time to really think about it or search, but I subscribed to Nomador years ago, and I had just forgotten I did. Maybe I did not find immediately what I looked for. So I went to many Airbnb where I'm listed with 5* because Im very careful and clean. I wonder why I did not use Nomador before! Since I'm working remotely that's the best choice for me. I'm now in 100%!

I'm happy to help and to enjoy the environment.


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Chaudes-Aigues, France - April 2024

Patrick est un homme soigné, cultivé, investi dans le développement culturel des littératures et cinémas caraïbéens, ce qui rend les échanges fructueux et intéressants. Il a été respectueux des lieux, s'est conformé aux consignes d'anti-gaspilllage d'eau, de tris sélectifs, d'arrosages de plantes, de nettoyage de la maison. Nina, ma gentille minette de 15 ans a été nourrie selon ses habitudes. Chaque jour et pendant les premiers jours, Patric m'a donné, comme je le lui avais demandé, des nouvelles, soit par texto, soit par l'envoi de photos, ce qui me rassurait et me transquilisait. Puis, accaparé par ses occupations en ligne, ces nouvelles ont été espacées, malgré mes rappels, me laissant inquiète car un souci de santé pourrait arriver a tout moment chez un animal de cet âge. En en parlant avec lui, j'ai réalise que Patrick n'avait pas pris la mesure de mon inquiétude, alors qu'il suffisait de prendre 30 secondes de son temps pour répondre à mes attentes. Toute nouvelle expérience Nomadore permet d'ajuster ses pratiques face aux animaux dont on a la garde Je souhaite à Patrick de nombreuses rencontres Nomadore.

April 2024

Patrick did a good job taking care of my house and cats.

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