Megan p.

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Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia


Über Megan p.

56 Jahre alt | Education

We, Trevor and Megan, are the perfect pet carers and house sitters for you! We are from a coastal town in the south west of Western Australia and want to stay in various areas across Europe.

We both have national police clearances, working with children check, clean Australian Driving licence and are non-smoking. We are both caring and considerate individuals who take pride in everything that we do, treating people’s homes with the same respect we treat our own is important to us.

Trevor has a background in telecommunications, IT and is a volunteer ambulance officer. Megan has a back ground in sport development (hockey), business administration and is currently a personal assistant to the Regional Executive Director of the South West Education region.

Trevor is a keen cyclist, both on and off road. We both attend the gym to keep fit and healthy.

Were home owners and property investors. We can bring the wisdom and experience to your house sitting requirements.

We have had many pets (from crazy crabs to a dog and three cats - all at once). We have also been exposed to horses, sheep, alpaca's, geese, emus and a peacock (or anything the made its home on Trevor's parents farm) and we are genuinely fond of animals.

Currently we have an 18-year-old tabby cat that will be house sat while we are away. We often care for our grand-dog ‘Cooper’ (10 years old) either at his house or ours. He is a stumpy tail cattle rescue dog and we love it when he comes to stay. He just loves the water and will stay in there if you let him.

We pretty handy on the tools and have done home repairs and renovation that falls within our capacities. These have included; gardening, tiling, paving, painting, painting and more painting.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Trevor, 57 Jahre alt, IT & Communication, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Lynn m.

Saint-Nauphary, France - November 2019

Megan et Trevor se sont parfaitement occupés de nos animaux et notre maison et nous ont envoyé des nouvelles tous les jours. Nous avons retrouvé la maison très propre et nos animaux heureux - de plus nous avons fait connaissance d'un couple intéressant et amical avec lequel nous avons passé deux agréable soirées.

Marie-claire l.

Pithiviers, France - November 2019

Nous avons reçu Megan et Trevor la veille de notre départ, comme convenu. Un couple agréable, souriant, convivial, soucieux du respect des animaux et de la maison. Ils se sont très bien occupés de notre chien et de notre chat qui les ont adoptés rapidement. A notre retour, nous avons pu parler de nos visites, voyages et découvertes respectives. Nous aurions plaisir à les revoir et les recommandons. Belle rencontre.

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