Virginia & juan pablo s.

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Palencia, Castile and León, Spain


Über Virginia & juan pablo s.

42 Jahre alt | Chef

Hello everyone!

We are a couple who likes to travel and discover new places.
We like nature very much and whenever we can, we make a trip to the mountains, but we also enjoy simple plans like watching a movie or reading at home.

We are a responsible couple and we take the care of pets very seriously because we have been surrounded by them all our lives and we love them.

My passion is baking. I have worked as a cook in recent years and I am currently starting a digital project related to baking. Juan Pablo is dedicated to digital marketing, he also works from home, so we both have availability to go where we want.

We love to travel and we are in a moment of our lives where we have more flexibility to discover new places because we work from a distance.
So the housesitting seems like a great way to achieve the lifestyle we want now.
We have always had pets since we were little, so we are used to being surrounded by dogs and cats. In addition, in recent years we have dedicated ourselves to the care of animals.

Really caring for a pet outside its environment has more complexity and during these two years we have done it.

On July and August we had our first experience in housesitting and we have to say it has been great. We take care of a wonderful puppy and share great moments.

We love animals and we think that few things give more life to a house than a pet that runs through it.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Juan Pablo, 41 Jahre alt, Digital Marketing, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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