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Dresden, Saxony, Germany


Über Chrissy

26 Jahre alt | Student

Hi everybody,

I'm a single, responsible, non-smoking and cheerful student. I love life and discovering new things and places. Travelling is one of my hobbies and watching your house would give me the chance to have a new experience.

I lived independently for many years already. So I'm quite experienced in doing house chores. I love the smell of freshly washed clothes! ;) Also I helped a friend in her professional cleaning company before.

I love animals and always wished to have a dog or a cat but I couldn't because of my moms allergies. I still went for walks with the dogs from the animal shelter though. Also I cared for a friends cat for a few weeks. When I was small we had mice and fishes and from visiting my grandmas farm I know how to take care of farm animals.

Since I'm a student and a hobby writer so I'll be home most of the time, so you don't need to worry about security.

I'm a polite and serious person, you won't need to worry, you can trust me with your beloved home.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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