Barbara m.

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Broederstroom, North West, South Africa

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Barbara m.

69 Jahre alt | Financial Director and Leadership Coach

Active semi-retired couple; our company has been sold, so we are free to focus on your pets!

We are a couple in our sixties. We both escaped corporate life in the 90s and then ran a successful business consulting firm together.

We love to travel, which for us is not just sightseeing, but immersing ourselves in new cultures, people and food, usually choosing homestays over hotels. Having sold our business, we can travel longer. Housesitting gives us the opportunity to "live", rather than "visit", new places.

We live in a beautiful farm estate in South Africa. However, it becomes cold in our winter hence our desire to escape for a few months. We are looking for house sitting opportunities during the northern hemisphere summer (May to September).

We are both in good health and like to keep in shape in our home gym. We do not smoke. We are avid readers and seek to learn new things and meet new people. We love to cook, especially new and interesting dishes.

We love animals, having had many pets with our children over the years. These included cats, border collies, golden retrievers, chickens, hamsters and even a rat. We are also good with swimming pools, we have had several with homes we have owned over the years.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Andrew, 69 Jahre alt, CEO, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Moorley d.

North Myrtle Beach, United States - Juli 2019

Barbara and Andrew stayed in our home for 35 days and looked after our 14 year old Labrador Retriever dog. They were extremely caring and considerate. They brought a beautiful gift for us when they arrived. While we were away, they were supremely attentive to our dog as well as our house. Since we live in a small gated community, it was very important for us that our sitters interact well with our neighbours and they passed with flying colours. Our neighbours loved them, and I believe Barbara and Andrew also enjoyed being part of our community. They communicated frequently with us and sent us lovely photos and videos. The day we returned form our trip, they had a fabulous meal prepared for us! And I found my liquor cabinet more stocked than when I had left! We couldn't have hoped for more conscientious, attentive and friendly people to look after our pet and home. We can see that our dog really misses their attention now that they have left. I would recommend Barbara and Andrew to other homeowners without any hesitation!

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