Sarah .

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Guilford, Connecticut, United States


Über Sarah .

32 Jahre alt | freelance/dogsitter

I'm an expat who returned home to CT for what was supposed to be only a few months, but because of Corona, I have been stuck here since March. Early November I will be returning to Rome as my "main base" but will be actively seeking different house and pet sitting opportunities. More about me- I lived in Rome, Italy for 6 years where I got my degree in archaeology. After University I decided to pursue more seriously pet/house sitting. I was getting the jobs, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I absolutely love animals and grew up with them always around. I had horses, llamas, rabbits, and guinea pigs on a little farm, before moving closer to the town center. We always had at least 3 dogs in my household growing up. Since selling our little farm, most of my experience has been with dogs and cats.
I am very trustworthy, reliable, and very open to different types of house sitting. Due to my life as an expat I have learned to go with the flow and can fit in anywhere. I don't complain and make the best out of every situation. I jive with everyone and am very easy going, but that doesn't mean that I don't take things seriously when it is necessary.
I work online teaching English so the only thing that is important to me is that there is a reliable internet connection. I have been housesitting most recently for a couple who moved to their new home and needed someone to take care of their other home until it sold. My purpose was to totally clean the house and then maintain it and the gardens. I organized with the realtor to get the house situated to where it had its best potential of being sold. And so not long after, the house sold and I then had to coordinate the return of the owners for the last of their things, and pack and organize it all. I then went to NYC for a 2 week stint watching a cat. It was my first experience with a pet/house sitting website and I worked out well. So, now I am looking for my next adventure and fur buddy. I am open to travelling anywhere as long as it is covid safe.


It's a great option to travel on a budget. I love seeing different types of land, houses, and animals. I work online so all I need is an internet connection!
I absolutely LOVE nature. I don't consider myself a big city person, but every once in a while it is appreciated. I could stay by the sea, mountain or in the woods without a soul in sight for a long time.

Extremely exper

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