Karin a.

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Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands


Über Karin a.

49 Jahre alt | social security employee

Hi! I am an adventurous Dutch woman of 44 who is very flexible in when she can be where. In the winter I try to be on the coast of eastern or southern Spain, because I suffer from the cold in the Netherlands. Other warm places are of course fine too. And also several months would not be a problem.

I have always had cats, and I am a volunteer at the animal shelter, I also have experience with the birth of kittens. I also have a lot of experience with dogs, but here are periods when I don't have the energy to make long walks with her/him/them every day. A small dog who only needs small walks will not be a problem. I am also known with rodents, birds and some small livestock. I also had a number of hyves with bee colonies myself.
When looking for a sitter for a long period, small garden maintenance is also not a problem.

Furthermore, I do not smoke, I speak English well in addition to Dutch, fairly German and some Spanish.

I have experience with housesitting in Spain, on the Azores and in several houses in The Netherlands, with cats, dogs, rodents, bees, birds and some small livestock.
I also have experience with living on solar, cooking and showering with gas bottles and using a water basin instead of tap water.

I will take loving care of the animals and (if necessary) garden, I respect other people's things and wishes, and will leave the house neatly.

I am also on a Dutch site and an other international site through which I have been sitting house, and also have house sitting experience from before that. I have references, for who would be interested in that.

I'm new on this website, I have references on an other housesitting website.

I am very curious what this site will bring me, and if I can help people with that, maybe I will see new parts of the world.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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Dominique m.

La Nucia, Spain - Februar 2020

Thank you Karin, I left reassured, you are a pearl. The very clean and tidy house, the terraces too. My well-groomed cat looked very peaceful. Karine was kind enough to leave me the room, my bed was ready, sheets washed, following the stressful week that I had just spent. thanks again

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