Claire b.

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Clonakilty, County Cork, Ireland


Über Claire b.

52 Jahre alt | Sound Healer & musician

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Chloé C.

Escaudes, France - Juni 2019

Claire is very helpful and give you everything you need to know about the house, the cats and will be here to help you if you encounter a problem. The house is exceptional, view on the sea that is not even 5 mins away by walk, truly comfortable, a relaxing atmosphere, the best bed ever,... I would say the house is so great and luminous that even the more adventurous Indiana Jones would prefer to just stay inside some days. The cats, Tara and Hamshi, both have their own temper, Tara is independent but as soon as she gets to know you she will love to be cuddled. Hamshi is less shy at first sight, sweethearted and playful. Both will surely follow you in the different pieces of the house. Even if it is a big house, I never felt alone there. Irish mindset is really welcoming and friendly so you can meet plenty of locals that are ready to share their stories with you. Furthermore the cats will never let you down if you give back to them the support they give to you. The house may be a little bit far from the supermarkets or the bus stop by walk, but it really depends of the person. I really enjoyed to walk along the sea to join the next supermarket (or another pathway is by the woods). I recommand to any housesitter interested in staying over there to not hesitate, the place is truly great. Thank you Claire for this very pleasant stay !

Logement de Claire b.

County Cork, Ireland

2 Katzen - 1 Hund

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