Hanna-leena v.

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Turku, Finland


Über Hanna-leena v.

51 Jahre alt | Writer

I have two cats of my own here in Finland, and I have a roommate who will take care of them while I'm away. I've done cat-sitting, dog-sitting, and house-sitting for friends here in Finland as well as in Michigan, U.S.A., but this is the first time I'm looking for pet-sitting opportunities on websites like Nomador.

I'm writing my first novel, which is partially set in France. I have traveled to France a few times for short stays, and would very much like to spend more time there. House-sitting and pet-sitting through Nomador sounds like a great way to do it and to meet new people.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Eric H.

La Forêt-Fouesnant, France - Februar 2020

Hanna a été une home sitter parfaite. La maison était 'nickel' quand nous sommes rentrés. Babouche a été très bien traitée. Hanna donne des nouvelles, est très ouverte puisqu'elle a réussi en 3 semaines à connaitre des personnes dans le village. Nous n'avons fait aucun progrès en finlandais...;-) mais elle, si en français ! Nous la recommandons plus particulièrement. Merci Hanna, And for free the same in english...;-) Hanna was a perfect home sitter. The house was 'nickel' when we returned. Babouche was treated very well. Hanna gives news, is very open since she managed in 3 weeks to to know people in the village. We haven't made any progress in Finnish ... ;-) but her, yes in French! We particularly recommend her. Thanks Hanna

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