Natasja b.

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Didam, Gelderland, Netherlands


Über Natasja b.

49 Jahre alt | Stay at home mom

We are a quiet family of four from the Netherlands.
Tim is an historian and likes to visit old places and sites. His hobby is to host a local radio show in Arnhem with his friends, but they have listeners from all over the world!
Natasja is a stay-at home-mom with a little side job as postwoman. She likes to read, listen to music, paint and play Zelda(any game) and Minecraft, and go for a hike.
Our two kids are Tijl (15) and Katelijne (12), they both are student of the middle school, called VWO.
Tijl enjoys Nintendo and computer games (online with friends) and loves to go for a swim in summer.
Katelijne also loves to play Nintendo games and dancing. She has started keyboard lessons just a month ago and is progressing rapidly.

While we are on vacation, we don't need to go out every day. We 'd like to relax a little too and play a lot of boardgames like ‘Carcassonne’ and ' The Settlers of Catan'. We always bring it along, because it's a lot of fun to play with 'new blood'.

We are the private cuddle-cushions and can-openers of our own sweet cat, but in summer he doesn't seem to need us. He only comes in for a quick bite and is on the road again until deep in the night, so we don't see him very much.
Because of that, we thought it was a good idea to get our cuddles elsewhere, and go take care of other people's pets whilst we are on holiday.

We have experience with taking care of cats, dogs, rats and chickens, since we already have taken care of pets and houses from our family and friends before.
Last year we did a housesit in the UK and took care of two lovely dogs and three cute chickens. We had lots of fun with them.
Taking care of small farm animals and reptiles will also be no problem, if we get a good explanation how to take care of them.

We are available from 14 July until 17 August 2019.

If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tim, 69 Jahre alt, History Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner
Tijl, 21 Jahre alt, student, Kind
Katelijne, 17 Jahre alt, student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


matthieu G.

Marignane, France - August 2019

Natasja and her family stayed in our home for two weeks, and while we were away they took excellent care of our two dogs and two cats. We kept in touch by text message and they gave us updates throughout the week. When we returned the house was spotlessly clean, the animals seemed happy, and the vegetable garden was thriving. I really feel like they cared for our house and our animals as if they were their own, and there's nothing more reassuring than that. I would highly recommend them. They did a wonderful job, and we really appreciate it.

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