Benedicte a.

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Über Benedicte a.

28 Jahre alt | Student

I'm a student in my twenties, and have been using Nomador for several years. On my student budget it's tough for me to afford travel because I often can't afford the cost of having my cat taken care of while I'm away. I thought house-sitting would be a great option not only for my wallet, but also for Grey (my cat) because I don't really like to leave him in "Kitty Hotels". Also, it's a great way to meet new and interesting people! I also really enjoy using Couch Surfing as a way to travel, and so far this community seems quite similar, so I'm really looking forward to meeting new house-sitters through Nomador!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Herzlicher Gastgeber
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Carly b.

SF, United States - Januar 2020

Staying at Benedicte's apartment was a wonderful experience! It was in a great location, close to public transport, and the apartment itself is quite adorable. Both cats, Grey and Pablo were so affectionate and funny to take care of! I've never seen two cats warm up to new people as quickly as these did. Thank you so much for letting us stay there over the holidays. Cheers!

Margot D.

Paris, France - August 2019

The stay in Benedicte's house was great! Her house is very nice and I felt at once like in my own home. Furthermore, she was really attentioned to make our arrival great and comfortable. She gave me tips to find nice spots and restaurants in Berlin. To sum up, I would say that it was the ideal conditions to discover Berlin. And of course her cat, Grey, is adorable...I miss him! Benedicte, I hope we will have the opportunity to meet, in Berlin or Paris, who knows? Bisous, Margot

Sebastian h.

Dresden, Germany - Juni 2019

The owners were very friendly and their directions made it easy to find my way. It was close to all important things, such as grocery store, train station and it was only a short drive into the city center, to Potsdam and other places of interest. The street is very quiet, so you can have a good sleep, also with open windows, and it's really relaxing to sit on the balcony. I can absolutely recommend it!

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