Eva H.

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Über Eva H.

47 Jahre alt | Farmer

To those of us who are always short on time, here is who I am in a few lines: First and foremost I am an organic farmer in my early 40’s. I am also an animal lover, and have lived in Slovakia, Israel and Canada (my current home).

My education is in animal sciences and veterinary medicine which I decided not to pursue in the end. I also have a diploma in equine management.

Over the years I have cared for and worked with many animals: cats, dogs of all sizes, horses, cattle (bovine), ducks, chickens, fish, sheep, and Larry the lama. I love animal behaviour and interact with animals through positive reinforcement, treats, play and affection.

In my life so far I’ve traveled to several continents, both with a partner and on my own, and am very comfortable being alone in various environments. I can drive most vehicles including operating a tractor if required.
My preference is to be in nature (i.e more rural), but, having grown up in a city, I can certainly appreciate and enjoy city life, restaurants, culture and architecture. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That’s the synopsis; here is a little more detail:
I think I was an animal lover since before I was born.
When I was 2 years old I could remember and tell my mother exactly where I had seen a horse two weeks prior…; same with dogs. I would stop and pet each and every dog I saw. My mother used to tell me I can’t just go to every dog, but I didn’t listen. I’m still the same.
Growing up in an apartment in a city, my parents only allowed fish, so that’s what we had. At least until my older brother traded some fish for a few lab mice with a classmate of his; and brought them home, without my parent’s knowledge or consent. There are stories to tell about the mice, one includes a piano…
In third grade I became friends with Sharon, who had cats. At the time awareness for spaying and neutering was almost non-existent, and so the cats multiplied. I spent many of my after school hours at her place and whenever I would sleep over, there would be at least 3 cats sleeping with me (more like taking over really…., not that I minded)
I finally adopted my first dog when I left home for university. He was a 5-6 months old puppy from a shelter. Bira (my dog) thought me a lot about canine behaviour and body language.
I dreamed of being a wildlife behaviour researcher; or a shepherd

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Virginie r.

Paris, France - Juni 2019

Eva a très bien géré ma ménagerie en anglais... Malgré les difficultés linguistiques, elle a résolu les problèmes rencontrés avec l'aide de mes amies qui ne parlent pas anglais. Eva revient quand elle veut pour visiter les fermes bio qu'elle n'a pas eu le temps de visiter pendant mon absence.

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