Fiona c.

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Blairgowrie, Scotland, United Kingdom


Über Fiona c.

60 Jahre alt | English teacher, proofreader and translator

I’m a mid-50s single ex-professional horsewoman, background in teaching (Equestrianism and English), experienced with a wide range of other animals, off-grid living, plant/pool care and general property maintenance and sought after cake chef! Available to care for the most important members of your family while you are away from home.
At present, I am available for sits in the UK from June 2020 onwards. I have my own Motorhome, which I am quite happy to use for transporting pets where necessary. Nevertheless, if you have a car that I could use, it would be greatly appreciated.

I sold my off-grid equestrian small holding of 19 years, close to Seville, Spain, last April, and will be based in Scotland (to be close to my elderly parents) as of August.

My last job, finished 24th June, was teaching English – I specialize in tutoring students to pass the Cambridge exams. I will be continuing with this over the Internet, as well as continuing with my translation and proof-reading work and branching out into health and wellness. Prior to living in Spain, I worked as a horse trainer, instructor, breeder and competitor, primarily as a lecturer at an agricultural college, although I also worked for the governing body, overseeing other agricultural colleges and ensuring their compliance to the relevant standards.
Having grown up on a beef farm, I have been close to animals for my whole life and I chose to work with horses after university, rather than a more lucrative career. While in Spain I have owned and bred horses, sheep, goats, pigs and barnyard fowl (chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks and quail), as well as having cats and dogs as pets and for the security of the property. I also had an extensive vegetable garden and orchard, and a swimming pool. The property being off-grid, I am quite used to managing solar powered electricity and its restrictions, as well as using a generator as back-up and for pumping the water from the wells. In addition, the majority of the building work was carried out by my former partner (a builder), helped by me and I did most of the general maintenance work myself, including constructing, mounting and repairing the majority of the built-in cupboards and shelves and connecting many of the electrical circuits and water pipelines around the property.
Since living in Spain I have travelled little, however I lived in Austria for two years when younger and also travelled extensively throughout Europe when I was a student.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Valerie l.

Domsure, France - März 2020

Fiona is such an amazing guest! She stayed at home for about 2 weeks and she took care of our house and precious animals. She is responsible and kind, it's easy to communicate with her. It was a real pleasure to share life experiences with her. She is a real globetrotter as she likes visiting and exploring the country. We had no worries while away and Fiona sent us photos and news of our pets regularly. The evening of our arrival, she even cooked dinner for us! We absolutely recommend this nice lady and would not hesitate to rely on her services another time. We are glad having meeting such a nice person. Thanks Fiona????

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