Jennifer r.

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SF, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Jennifer r.

55 Jahre alt | consulting

(Je parle un peu français, mais j'écrirai mon profil en anglais...) To celebrate my 50th birthday in March, I sold everything in the US and am exploring the world! While I don't have an official domicile, I am currently renting co-working space at the Impact Hub in Geneva. My plan is to live in France for a while... such a beautiful country, and I also want to practice speaking French (which I learned in school many years ago!)

I'm doing business consulting while I travel, as well as starting a clothing line. I've had cats for most of my life, and also had a dog who I adored. I miss my animals and also miss feeling like I am living in a home, so I'm excited to take good care of your home as if it were my own. I know from past experience that you'll want to get regular updates and photos of your babies, which I would be delighted to do.

I'm quiet, respectful, clean and have perfect ratings on AirBnB which I usually use for my stays - my profile is here: You can also see my LinkedIn profile here:

A couple recent translated reviews from AirBnB:

"Ce fut un réel plaisir d'accueillir Jenifer chez moi! Femme facile à vivre qui a très bien pris soin de ma place et l'a laissée plus propre qu'elle a eu! Rafale hautement recommandée qui sera toujours la bienvenue!" - Tel Aviv

"Jennifer était une cliente facile et amicale. La communication était excellente, j'espère pouvoir l'accueillir à nouveau et n'hésiterai pas à la recommander en tant qu'invitée." - Geneva

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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