Alex g.

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Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


Über Alex g.

52 Jahre alt | Arts Management

Hello! My name is Alex, I work in the arts. I primarily speak English and Cantonese and can speak a number of European languages to a certain extent. My husband Nick is a professional guitarist and music educator. We are a small Kiwi family, travelling around the UK and Europe and looking for house-sits anywhere and everywhere in between sleeping in our campervan named Harriet.
We're looking for low-cost accommodation options so we can take breaks from our campervan. Plus we're leaving behind our lovely home and cat Coco to travel so staying in a home environment (pets are a bonus!) would be perfect. We have experience in looking after cats, dogs and chickens, and have collectively spent a lot of time with other types of birds, horses and small animals such as guinea pigs.
We've had plenty of experience being visitors in other people's homes and are very considerate in keeping the place clean and tidy. We've been known put the bedsheets in the wash at the end of our stay, and feedback from our online homestay communities have been very complimentary (if I may say so myself!).

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mia, 16 Jahre alt, Kind
Nick, 46 Jahre alt, Musician , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Chinesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Pat D.

Combres, France - Juli 2019

Nous avons apprécié la façon dont Alex et sa famille se sont occupés de notre maison et surtout de nos animaux, durant notre absence. Dadoo notre chien s'est senti en confiance, et tous les autres animaux ont également bénéficié de leurs bons soins! Encore merci!

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