Jamie b.

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Farnham, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Jamie b.

26 Jahre alt | Investment Consultant

I'm based in the UK, where I work as an investment consultant. At home, I'm joined by a hugely energetic English cocker spaniel, as well as possibly the most laid-back cat on the planet! I've previously worked as a gardener so I'm very happy to help out with any work requiring green fingers.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Lyndsay F.

Madrid, Spain - August 2024

Jamie was a great pet sitter who took great care of both our cat, Cleo and our flat. He kept us updated on his travel plans before his visit along with lots of texts and pictures throughout his stay. Cleo was clearly very comfortable with him and barely left his side the whole time! Our flat was kept clean and tidy for when we returned. I would highly recommend Jamie to anyone who needs pet care. Thank you, Jamie!

Caroline t.

Bastelicaccia, France - Dezember 2023

Jamie a été un home-sitter parfait. Très sympathique, attachant, autonome et discret, il a été particulièrement attentionné à nos animaux. Les chiennes se sont baladées régulièrement à la plage et les chats ont eu de nombreux câlins. Nous sommes partis en toute confiance, ayant fréquemment des nouvelles et des photos. La barrière de la langue n'a pas été un problème et Jamie a pu travailler un peu son français et nous notre anglais ! Nous avons été tristes de le voir partir et sommes prêts à l'accueillir de nouveau avec grand plaisir :)

Eve A.

Oakland, United States - Juni 2023

Jamie took perfect care of my pets and home. I’m so glad I chose him! My cat and dog are seniors and some of the most important “people” in my life. Jamie didn’t have a problem with any of their special needs including hot compress, eye ointment and teeth brushing. Also, feeding them is more complicated, including wet and dry food and supplements. Jamie did it all, no problem! I appreciated the photos he sent of my animals doing their familiar routine. He indulged my cat who demands laps sits whenever possible. My neighbors told me that they saw Jamie walking my dog often. Another neighbor told me Jamie was “very kind” and that I had “made a good choice". He even arranged to drop off my dog with my friend when he went sightseeing in the city. I arrived back home to find a clean apartment, watered plants and relaxed animals. He had even washed the towel I provided for him. Jamie is a healthy person who is very conscientious. He held my animals in high regard, they were in great hands! You will not regret choosing Jamie to watch your animals and home.

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