Julia r.

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Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Julia r.

61 Jahre alt | administrator

We have always had a passion for travelling and experiencing new countries, we would love the opportunity to spend more time in one place enabling us to immerse ourselves in a local culture. I have always worked with children with special needs and social and emotional needs in the education system. Our sons are now grown up and independent. We feel now is the right time to do something for us, and living and working/living abroad would fulfil our dreams.
Last year we spent the summer in Chamonix, having sole responsibility for 2 large chalets and 2 apartments. Our duties included changeovers (cleaning, laundry, preparing the properties for holiday makers and welcoming the guests. We also kept the garden neat and tidy, cared for the fruit trees and looked after the chickens. We loved the life style and would love to repeat the experience.
I have very high standards of cleanliness and tidiness, am competent at washing and ironing and have a keen eye for detail to keep things looking immaculate and maintaining high levels of presentation. I have always worked fulltime alongside running a home and know the pressures of organising, managing and keeping a well-run house. I am competent with helping in the garden with support trimming hedges, weeding, cleaning paths and driveways and attending to finishing touches to ensure the garden looks its best.
My partner also has a very high demand for organisation, cleanliness and efficiency due to his army career of 22 years. He is a qualified Civil Engineering Technician and has been working for a bank for the past 19 years as a Systems Support Analyst maintaining the bank’s ATM machines. He is very competent at household chores and we have always shared the tasks of the cleaning, cooking and jobs around the house. He is a very keen gardener having owned an allotment for several years and always keeps our lawns very highly maintained, borders weeded and plants flowers and bulbs in abundance, ensuring the garden always looks its best. He is very handy at DIY and can complete most household repairs to a high standard.
We are both animal lovers and have had pets in the past including dogs, rabbits, ferrets and
chickens. We would care for anyone else’s pet as we did our own.
We both speak basic conversational French and would be willing to discuss any further training
required to enable us to take up the position i.e. caring for your pool.
We would love to house sit in France.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Steve, 71 Jahre alt, retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Catherine R.

Le Drennec, France - August 2022

Julia et Steve ont été parfaits. Ils se sont très bien occupés des chattes et nous ont rendu une maison impeccable. De plus ils ont eu plusieurs attentions que nous avons particulièrement appréciées. Nous les recommandons vivement.

Sylviane r.

Mazé-Milon, France - August 2019

Julia et son compagnon sont des home-sitters sérieux et efficaces auxquels on peut confier sa maison et ses animaux sans hésitation.

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