Natasha h.

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Spotswood, New Jersey, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Natasha h.

43 Jahre alt | Researcher

¡Hola! I'm a world traveler and believer in life-long learning, collaboration and community. I love meeting new people and discovering perspectives unique to my own. A university researcher/educator with a passion for languages, literatures and visual arts (especially film), I am always looking to steal some time away for a dose of writing zen.

Given my travel-centric lifestyle, I am eager to enjoy the unconditional love of furry family. I regularly dog sit for Cappuccino, my friend's 10-year-old daughter's best friend (she gave two Valentine's Day cards this year and he got one <3). When I'm in Florida, I jump at the chance to dog sit for Max, a family friend's high energy Chihuahua, And when I have the opportunity to see my sister in Los Angeles, I eagerly volunteer to take Tucker, the sweetest and most relaxed rescue Lab, out for walks. While I did grow up around horses, it wasn't until I lived in Noordhoek (in Cape Town) that I really learned about caring for my adopted family's gracefully aging Friesian, Snowy -- as well as 3 rescue dogs (including an epileptic Coco), an irreverent rabbit named Spot, an assertively antisocial cat named Smokey and a shy tarantula named Spidey.

Writing can be lonely. Therefore, I eagerly welcome the company, support and love of furry friends.

My travel experience means that I have lived in many spaces and have had the pleasure and honor to enjoy expansive hospitality and generosity. I have also been on the other side, serving as landlord, Airbnb host, extended friends and family tour guide and foreign study leader. In all contexts, I believe that open and clear communication is the key to establishing mutual respect and understanding. In my experience, such a foundation ensures that needs, wants and expectations are met.

If you are looking for a responsible, mature and experienced housesitter who respects your space, prioritizes neatness and can't wait to meet your furry (or not-so-furry) family, please do contact me. I look forward to meeting you!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Kitti s.

Johannesburg, South Africa - Juli 2019

It was lovely having Natasha taking care of our dog, she is easy to communicate with, and she was a great help when we needed her assistance in sending us some documents! I would definitely recommend her to anyone, and we are looking forward hosting her again!

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