Terry c.

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Horsham, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Terry c.

68 Jahre alt | Project Manager

We are a friendly retired couple who are house-proud, non-smokers and non-drinkers. Our children have all left home and started lives for themselves. We enjoy visiting our children and our growing brood of grandchildren.

During most of our recent travelling we have enjoyed short stays with relatives, Airbnb or Wimdu. Now we are retired we have the time to stay longer and can offer experience with gardens, swimming pools and even maintenance and handyman tasks if necessary.

Over the many years we have had dogs, cats, horses and a sundry of smaller pets - some with wings, others fins and many with four tiny feet. We know what it is like to be constrained by the commitment and love of our furry companions

As explorers we have discovered that we love France and the French way of life. We now want to immerse ourselves in the experience and culture of its many regions. Our ultimate aim is to find a place of our own there.

We are self-sufficient, discrete and thoughtful. Also respectful of your pets, property, business and neighbours. We provide peace of mind for your property and pets. We are a friendly and reliable couple who place a high value on trust and integrity.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lynda, 66 Jahre alt, Office Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Kylie s.

Auckland, New Zealand - Mai 2022

This was our first experience on Nomador, and with having house sitters - and *wow* did we get lucky with Terry and Lyn! You could not ask for better people to take extremely good care of your pets and home while keeping you in touch with any issues that arise. Our puss Sammy had a new set of brushes when we got back (and is probably a bit put out that his twice daily brushing routine is now reduced after his old owners return - he sure had it good while we were away!) We also got lots of photos from Terry showing Sammy in various sleeping positions throughout the house, which was great to see him so content and happy while we were away for so long. Terry and Lyn are lovely to deal with - friendly, conscientious, very organised and great communicators - and they have done this sort of thing many times so know which questions to ask, what information to provide, etc. We would certainly use them again and recommend them without hesitation! :) :) :)


September 2019

Nous recommandons vivement Terry et Lyn. Ils ont gardé nos chats dont un bien malade pendant 11 jours à notre domicile. Terry nous a donné quotidiennement des nouvelles des chats ce qui m'a fait bien plaisir. J'ai retrouvé ma maison très propre et j'ai vraiment eu l'impression que Terry et Lyn prenaient à coeur de faire tout leur possible pour que mes chats ne manquent de rien. Un de nos chats atteint d' un cancer nécessite une assez grande présence car il faut le nourrir fréquemment et lui donner 2 fois par jour des médicaments. Terry et Lyn sont vraiment adorables, gentils et très fiables. Vous pourrez leur faire confiance. Merci encore à eux !

Suzanne N.

Minzier, France - September 2019

Difficile de faire mieux que Lyn et Terry en matière de homesitters. En plus d'être particulièrement sympathiques, ils se sont plus que bien occupés de notre maison et de nos animaux. Je ne peux que les recommander chaudement. Merci à eux ! Suzanne

August 2019

Terry et Lyn se sont parfaitement occupés de la maison et des extérieurs. C'est un couple très sympathique et cordial qui nous a donné entière satisfaction par rapport à nos attentes. Nous les recommandons vivement.

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