Alan r.

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Bournemouth, England, United Kingdom


Über Alan r.

30 Jahre alt | Translator

Hello! My name is Alan, I'm a freelance translator (Spanish, Portuguese and German) from England. I love animals and am looking for a nice place to work from my laptop, chill with some pets and relax. I have had a lot of experience looking after various animals belonging to family and friends including dogs, cats, and birds. I am clean and tidy and have experience maintaining pools.

Hola! Me llamo Alan, soy traductor (español, portugués y alemán) y vengo de Inglaterra. Me encantan los animales y estoy buscando un buen lugar para trabajar con mi portátil, pasar tiempo con algunas animales y relajarme. Tengo mucha experiencia cuidando a vários animales que mi familia y mis amigos tienen en casa como perros, gatos y pájaros. Soy una persona limpio y ordenado y tengo experiencia en el mantenimiento de piscinas.

Olá! Sou o Alan, sou tradutor (espanhol, português e alemão) e venho da Inglaterra. Eu gosto muito de animais e estou procurando um bom lugar para trabalhar no meu laptop, passar tempo com alguns animais e relaxar. Tenho muita experiência em cuidar de vários animais que a minha família e os meus amigos têm em casa, como cachorros, gatos e pássaros. Sou uma pessoa limpa e arrumada e tenho experiência na manutenção de piscinas.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Adam, 31 Jahre alt, Translator, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Maria t.

Bollullos de la Mitación, Spain - Oktober 2019

Alan and Adam stayed at my place for a month and looked after my 2 dogs who became very fond of their carers whilst working online. Frequent communication and request for direction made it very easy to know what was happening at home. I warmly recommend them both as their enthusiasm amply compensates for any lack of experience due to their younger age and recent career in Nomador.

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