Renata p.

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Leszno, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Renata p.

49 Jahre alt | teacher, writer, copywriter

We are a couple who share common interests, passion for travel and openness to people and the world. I was a teacher of literature and ethics before. Years ago, I wrote a book about music. My partner is a culture expert and a guitar enthusiast. Previously, he was a manager at a whiskey shop. We also worked as copywriters on the tourist portal. Last year, we left everything and began to travel intensively. We have been a travel blog for over a year. We love traveling, good music, literature, film and theater. We are open to new experiences, places and people, that's why we dream about starting an adventure with house-sitting.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Przemek, copywriter, whisky shop manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


odile D.

Sainte-Feyre, France - Dezember 2019

Nous avons beaucoup apprécié d'avoir Premek et Renata à la maison. Nous avons eu très régulièrement des nouvelles, et des photos, nous pouvions facilement communiquer. Ils nous ont rendu des services suite à des imprévus et cela a été très apprécié. Nous avons vu que les chat et chien étaient très contents et choyés. Renata et Premiek sont venus quelques jours avant notre départ, nous sommes partis totalement rassurés. A notre retour, nous avons trouvé une maison impeccablement rangée et très propre, les meubles de jardins et jardinières rangées, la dernière tonte faite. Nous avons passé la dernière soirée ensemble et aurions aimé passer davantage de temps avec eux. Ce sont des personnes adorables et serviables que nous aurons plaisir à revoir et recevoir Odile

Emanuela m.

Poznań, Poland - September 2019

I definitely recommend Przemek and Renata as housesitters. They are really interesting people. We liked them so much that they stayed few days more at our place after our homecoming and we were having fun and talking a lot together. They quickly have found a good contact with our pets (dog and 2 cats). The flat was clean and tidy after their stay. They also took care of the flowers and vegetables on the balcony. Thank you again guys. See you!


August 2019

Renata and Przemek were very careful about our kitty. The house after their visit is clean and tide. They took care of all the plants, even radish in the garden. They mov the lawn 2 times during the 14 days stay. I totally recommend Renata and Przemek as housesitters. We are very happy to meet you guys and hope to host you in the future. Take care!

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