Bianca m.

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Lauda-Königshofen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


Über Bianca m.

51 Jahre alt | teacher

I´m Bianca, 45 years old, mother of three teenage children. I love to meet people from all over the world and accommodated people from Indonesia, Ghana and Syria in my house. And I love the idea of sharing. So I´m looking forward to meet you!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Silvina l.

Pehuajó, Argentina - September 2019

I went to Bianca´s house some days before as she wanted to show me how everything works. I spent a very good time there. I have been for more than two weeks and it was a very nice time. It was my first experience. The pets are nice and of them more friendly. We also share sometimes together preparing some food and breakfast and we had very interesting conversations. Also showed me some other places. She es is a very nice person, well organized, generous, trustworthy and helpful and also her children. I did not have any problem at all and can totally recommend her. The place is very relaxing and there some small villages around. The last day she invited me to eat someplace with their children and when I left she took me to several kilometers to do hitchhiking. I hope to see you again other time. Thanks for everything.

Logement de Bianca m.

Stuttgart, Germany

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