Josie S.

Dieser Benutzer wurde von Nomador als eines der engagiertesten und erfahrensten Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft anerkannt.

Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Josie S.

70 Jahre alt | Freelance Writer | Als Paar/Duo

We are a fit and active semi-retired couple experienced in house sitting since 2010. Conrad is a retired research scientist from the University of Michigan, and I, (Josie), am a freelance writer. Any outdoor activity attracts us, such as kayaking, bicycling, hiking, or just sitting on the veranda. While house sitting we have taken care of an off-the-grid home as well as pet dogs and other pets. It's hard to say good-bye to our new 4-footed friends at each house sit! I have cared for huge gardens and enjoy looking after others' varied plants and vegetation. I'll even prune your bushes. We have owned many homes, have renovated flooring and kitchens, and know when something's out of whack! We like keeping busy and would be honored to look after your home.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Conrad, 84 Jahre alt, Retired Research Scientist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marysia d.

South Coogee, Australia - März 2017

This was my first experience with having house sitters,and it's been an excellent one. I'm very happy Josie and Conrad looked after my cat Chloe and my property while I was away. We had the opportunity to get acquainted over dinner before I left and I found them to be a delightful couple. Josie made a effort to make friends with Chloe and Conrad took charge of my pool right away. I felt confident they would take good care of things, and they didn't disappoint. Josie sent me an email midway through my 2 week holiday letting me know all was well, which was much appreciated. I came home to a happy cat, a clean and tidy home and a fabulous chicken casserole. I highly recommend Josie and Conrad.

Marie a.

Baden, France - Februar 2017

We had the pleasure to spend 3 days with Josie and Conrad when they stopped at our home before a housesitting assignment in France. We are co-founders of Nomador and love meeting people in our community. We already knew that Josie and Conrad were very experienced house-sitters of course and we had already met in Spain in 2015. Josie is involved in the international house-sitting community and very committed in helping pet-owners and fellow sitters in different countries. If they ever apply to your home, you'll meet some fantastic people. We endorse their house-sitting applications very heartily.

2-2 von insgesamt 6

Logement de Josie S.

Washtenaw County, United States

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 8 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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