Marie a.

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Baden, Brittany, France


Über Marie a.

65 Jahre alt | Consultante

We are a couple in our 60s, both working in IT. Our work and lifestyle allow us to travel and work from anywhere in the world as long as there's a good internet access. We bought this house 2 years ago - and have restaured it recently. We have been members of Nomador since 2014 (as owners, hosting house-sitters from different countries), and we would now like to become house-sitters ourselves. Pets (dogs and cats) have always been part of our family life.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Anne g.

Chapel Hill, United States - August 2017

Marie and her husband are fabulous ambassadors for Nomador, feeding us a wonderful meal and housing us overnight while regaling us with astounding stories. We laughed and talked together for hours; truly our time with them was one of our very best experiences in France! THANK YOU!

Josie S.

Ann Arbor, United States - März 2017

Marie knows how to make guests feel like royalty! She and her husband Pascal are warm, generous and fun. They were full of ideas of things to do and places to eat, as well as providing ample French customs to make our stay more immersed! Thank you!

Cat l.

Canberra, Australia - August 2015

Our 6-week stay at Marie's (and her husband's) house was wonderful! They were very friendly, great at communicating and were even kind enough to meet us from our ferry. We were even introduced to a number of their friends, who we met up with later on. The house itself is gorgeous as well as being very well equipped and organised. Marie was very attentive to our needs and took care to show us where everything was, how things work and making sure that we were comfortable in the house. The two cats are very easy to look after and very sweet. We fell in love instantly and miss them even now. The house is also in a perfect location; it's in the beautiful countryside so you have peace and quiet, but very close to a lovely village with everything you'd ever need and a truly fabulous market we went to each week for fresh produce. We had a great time going for day trips to the coast, Mont St Michel and the surrounding countryside. We highly recommend Marie and her home.

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