Zach r.

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Vanves, Île-de-France, France


Über Zach r.

33 Jahre alt | Researcher (Exercise Physiology)

Hello everyone! My name is Zach Root, a Canadian with a passion for travel and exploration. I have been traveling around southern Canada/France house-sitting for friends and family without knowing there is a world-wide community for such an exchange. Currently, my girlfriend and I have been working/traveling in France and found nomador a good way to explore such a beautiful country and build relationships with those willing to share such similar experiences.

A little about me:
I have had the opportunity to conduct academic research for the past 5 years among various topics related to group dynamics in sport, and more recently, exercise physiology among pediatric populations. Currently, I am near completion of my Masters in Science in Applied Health Sciences (Kinesiology) at Brock University (Canada) and have had opportunities to write abroad and travel in the meantime.

Among extracurricular activities, I adore the feeling of hard earned muscle soreness and sweat after a good workout. As of now, I have goals of running marathons, and potentially at the end of 2019 completing an ultra-marathon (i.e., La Sainté Lyon). Similar to being on my feet, I have a love and passion for hiking. This past July (2019) I through-hiked a 900km foot trail named The Bruce Trail in Southern Canada. Outside of sports, I love to challenge myself in expanding my thirst for knowledge in various subjects physically and mentally.

As being raised in the countryside I have had many dogs and cats which I loved to pet, play and have in my presence. I would love to meet your animals to give them the same love and affection as I do to mine.

I look forward to meeting all and continue sharing such amazing experiences with those around the globe!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alexia, 31 Jahre alt, Government, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Catherine c.

Saint-Georges-sur-Fontaine, France - September 2019

Mon projet ayant changé à cause de problème de santé, j'ai partagé 2 semaines à la maison avec Zach. Ce fut un moment très agréable, Zach est attentif, veille à ne pas déranger tout en participant activement à la vie de la maison. C'était très agréable de discuter avec lui, de partager.

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