Marielle v.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany


Über Marielle v.

31 Jahre alt | Senior Product Operations Manager | Als Paar/Duo

We’re an animal-loving young couple traveling around the world together. Marielle is Swedish-American and grew up with cats. She used Nomador to find catsitters while living in Paris and Berlin with her fur baby. Esteban is a Chilean sommelier and classical pianist / piano teacher who grew up with dogs and a canary. We traveling (of course), music, museums, and cuddling animals around the world. We both have experience both cat- and dog-sitting.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Esteban, 40 Jahre alt, Sommelier & Pianist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Arabisch | Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Joan v.

Jette, Belgium - Oktober 2022

After confirmation, one of the first things you will get from Marielle is a sheet full of useful practical information about the flat (read ‘studio’), it’s location and surroundings. But the main goal of it is of course ‘All about Noisette’, which is, by the way, the main reason why you’ll find yourself in her company, let’s not forget that! Now that could be rather challenging, since you will find yourself at a stone’s throw from everything Berlin has to offer (read +/- 90%% of must-sees or to-dos, mentioned in any given guide), be it on foot or public transport, it’s all right there at your doorstep. Did I mention the unforgettable walks along the Spree in Autumn … you just have to step outside. But let’s get back to Noisette (remember); in the whole ‘low maintenance’, as someone rather awkwardly mentioned here earlier. So, she very much needs your presence and attention and care … and that drink at the sink in the bathroom, which I started to call 'Apéro' time, since that was her favourite place to wait for me in the evenings... But, let’s not forget, easy comes with a ‘but’ … and yes, the process of accustoming to a strange character in her space can indeed take a while and the defensive is just lurking around the corner … and if by any chance (and you may have good reason to), you fancy to use that horrible hideous noise making machine (read vacuum cleaner), you’ll probably find yourself back at stage one of the ‘getting accustomed to you’ process … The place itself, the one-room flat, is back to basics (I mean it), and can get rather hot during a sunny day; so, don’t forget to roll down the blinds. But, no worries, just go to the 20th floor for an amazing view … then, run downstairs and enjoy Berlin!!! On a side note (or maybe not), you’ll also find yourself on the main road connecting two of Berlin’s 4 main centres … or, for those who can remember, East and West. Although over thirty years ago … ‘To Remember’ is very much present in today's Berlin. Maybe not that pleasant at times, but, to me at least, I did experience it as rather unique to find myself by chance in Berlin on this particular moment in history and to be remembered of just how little it takes to lose everything we so readily took for granted …

Trevor j.

Lincoln, United States - September 2022

Marielle was a considerate and organized host. She provided instructions in advance of our sit (Google doc) that were thorough and very helpful! She was good at communication and quick to answer any questions we had. She also shared her list of favorite restaurants and museums, which enriched our stay. Her cat, Noisette, is very sweet with lots of personality. Noisette is easy to care for. We enjoyed our sit and would happily sit for Marielle and Noisette again!

Jean-marc D.

Brisbane, Australia - August 2022

Everything went smoothly with Marielle, it was easy to communicate. Her flat is ideally situated in central Berlin, quite close to the main attractions. Noisette is a very cute cat, a bit shy at first but becoming more and more close as the days go by. She is easy going and very low maintenance, it was a pleasure to interact with her!

Corinna s.

Backnang, Germany - Mai 2022

It was a pleasure to cat-sit for Marielle! Noisette, her cat, is a real lady - very sweet indeed! It took her a few days to really get accostumed to us but after that, she even slept in the bed with us a few hours each night and was an absolute delight to care for. Also, the apartment is great! Really has everything you'd wish for (including great internet and a TV streaming accounts) and is super central in Berlin. We kept in contact during the whole stay of 2 weeks via Whatsapp. I would definitely recommend to house-sit for Marielle and Noisette any time!

1-2 von insgesamt 7

Logement de Marielle v.

Berlin, Germany

1 Katze

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 10 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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