Helene t.

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Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Helene t.

76 Jahre alt | Retired from government job in tourism

I retired 5 years ago from a job in the tourism industry. I realized on my first trip abroad how much I loved discovering new cultures, languages, people, environments. So, traveling has been my passion since I was 25 and I have done it alone - or with friends- quite extensively for my job and my pleasure. But, above all, I always loved animals of all kind.

As much as I love to travel, I realized that I don’t like to rush from places to places, attractions to museums, beaches to bars, etc. I am a slow traveler. I like to experience the daily life of the places I visit, to take the time to enjoy the surroundings, discovering places of beauty and delight on my own. And travelling is, for me, even more enjoyable when I have pets as companions. Taking care of pets gives a whole new meaning to travelling. You get insightful glimpses into the local culture, you meet people more easily, you can share the delight and happiness that you feel about your experiences with your new buddies.

I am new to the house sitting scene but I have a long experience of taking care of animals. I worked for five years as a SPA foster family, working specifically with cats and dogs who where very sick or who had socializing problems that impeded or blocked their adoption. This experience gave me a lot of confidence in my ability to nurture, make deep connection and bring back to health the animals I took care of : all of them were returned in top form to the SPA and adopted within weeks. It gave me an outstanding reputation with this organization with the dubious result of being given the hardest cases.

I have done a lot of gardening in the country house I had for 30 years, with a large garden of flowers, vegetables and fruits and numerous pets that I spoiled (both my own and my neighbors). I live now in a condo where I am the go-to person in charge of pets and apartments of absent owners. But I miss terribly the constant presence and affection of animals. This is the main reason I choose to be a house and pet sitter. It is such a deep pleasure for me to live daily with animals and to make their lives as enjoyable as possible, to play with them, talk and sing to them, care and protect them, to develop special bonds, teach them new tricks and simply enjoy and laugh at their frolics.

I am extremely aware of the commitment and seriousness that this work requires. I have been often complimented on my sense of responsibility, my discretion, my love of work well-don

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Julie b.

Madrid, Spain - Januar 2020

Hélène a été une parfaite cat-sitter pour Thémis, elle est pleine de ressources et de bons conseils, extrêmement attentive au bien-être des animaux. Je eomande Hélène à 100%%!

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