Katie and mark

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Bellingham, Washington, United States


Über Katie and mark

46 Jahre alt | Self-Employed

We are a professional couple that own our own business (GIS consulting, cartography, and data management - Blue Water GIS) and we are able to work remotely from anywhere that has an internet connection and enough electricity to charge a laptop. Our son Finn is 3 years old and (okay, get ready for us parents to brag about our kid...) he is amazing. He knows more about animal tracking and botany than most adults, and he loves nothing more than to walk slowly through the woods and "look for cool stuff" as he puts it. More importantly for you (we understand your hesitation about having a 3 year old in your home), he is kind, mellow, slow paced, respectful and understands rules and limits. We spend much of our time on our sailboat and around our livestock, and he has learned from an early age that the rules we set are absolute.

Why We Want to Housesit: As a couple we've always loved to travel to learn about new cultures and study different ecological settings. But now with a child, we are adamant the Finn grow up with the same opportunities. We want him to be surrounded by people that look different than himself, we want him to learn new languages, and we want him to learn about the plants and animals of far off lands. Your home will help us provide those experiences for Finn and become part of his exposure to new cultures.

What We Bring to the Assignment:
Beyond our our willingness to tinker with systems and our ability to solve mechanical problems, our greatest asset is the attitude with which we would approach your home. We will be trusting our own beautiful home and our own beloved pets (Wylie the Golden Retriever, and Morpheus the Tabby) and livestock to housesitters while we're staying in your home, so we know the level of trust that is required to hand over the keys. We will treat your place and your animals with the exact same love and care that we hope ours are getting while we're gone.

Our Experience:
While this is our first venture into housesitting for people we don't yet know, we have ample experience caring for others' property and our own 40 acres of farmland and timber.

Katie: During my time as a licensed charter boat captain, I cared for not only the people aboard during our multi-day trips, but also the boat itself. The mechanical systems, the cleanliness, and the aesthetics were all my responsibility.
Other skills and experience -
-I grew up with horses throughout my childhood and guided and cared for horses professio

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mark, 41 Jahre alt, Self-Employed, Ehepartner / Partner
Finn, 8 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Kiera m.

SF, United States - Februar 2020

Very easy to communicate with. Very low maintenance. Left the house as they found it. Highly recommend them!

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